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Implementing Analytics: Checkout Code
Implementing Analytics: Checkout Code
Updated over a week ago

Implementing the Social Native Checkout Code allows you to capture important data from your conversion funnel and view it on the Social Native platform. The purpose of this code is to capture the data from the orders made by visitors, and tie the data back to your shoppable galleries and carousels installed on your site.

Once the Social Native Checkout Code is implemented, we will be able to analyze the conversion funnel closely, and provide valuable insight in your Analytics dashboard. Read the full Checkout Code implementation guide here.

After proper implementation of the Checkout Code, you will want to test for a response on your order confirmation (thank you) page.

Our validation guide is located here and contains all of the information needed to make sure you checkout code is placed properly. Please note that with an enterprise/regional account structure each child account will have a unique Checkout Code.

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