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Request content from Creators (step 4 & 5): Creators Style & Campaign Review
Request content from Creators (step 4 & 5): Creators Style & Campaign Review
Updated over a week ago

Step 4: Creator Style

After specifying all the creator targeting, hit ''Next'' and you'll land on the fourth step of the process. Please note that this step is completely optional, but we highly recommend completing it. Doing so enables our AI to match you with the perfect creators and provides a clearer picture of your requirements for this specific campaign.

The process is very simple: you'll see two side-by-side profiles, one from each creator, and you can either approve or reject their styles with a thumbs-up or down.

It's important to note that approving these creators doesn't necessarily guarantee their participation in the campaign. They will still need to apply, and their participation is subject to approval based on the criteria. This step is designed to help us understand your preferences and enhance our ability to provide you with relevant options.

Step 5: Campaign Review & Budgeting

This is the final step before launching your campaign, and we want to ensure complete transparency regarding pricing. In this step, you'll have a clear understanding of the costs before launching the campaign—there are no hidden costs.

Order Price

Here, you'll find a breakdown of the pricing, showing exactly how we calculate the cost per piece of content. Keep in mind that the price varies based on settings in the previous steps, such as content type (video or image), guideline count (exceeding 20 guidelines), or specific targeting. If you need to make any changes from the previous steps, click 'Edit,' and you'll be taken to that specific section.

You can specify the number of content pieces you want, and it will automatically update to show the total order quantity. Alternatively, you can set your budget, and it will calculate the corresponding number of content pieces you'll receive.


We always factor in a 20% overage, meaning if you request 10 pieces of content, we'll source 12 creators, allowing for unforeseen changes. If everything goes smoothly, you'll get 20% more for free! If not, we have that margin of error and are committed to delivering the agreed-upon number.

Order Instructions

If there's any additional information we need for this campaign, please include it in this box so we can consider it.

Order Summary

Review your selections from the previous steps to ensure all options and specifications are correct.

Launch your Campaign

Clicking ''Launch'' at the bottom right of this page will submit the campaign and transferred to the Order Dashboard. Social Native will find the most suitable creators based on the order details and be in touch to bring the brand and creators together.

For a more comprehensive view, watch this tutorial video where you'll be guided through the step-by-step process:

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