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Request content from Creators
Request content from Creators (step 1): Define Content Requirements
Request content from Creators (step 1): Define Content Requirements
Updated over a week ago

Once you've decided to start a new Campaign, you'll follow a very simple 5-step process. In this initial step, you'll specify the type of content you want creators to produce. This step is crucial as it helps us understand your campaign, offer better advice, and ensure its success.

If you manage multiple brands through Social Media, select the brand this campaign will apply to.

What are we making content for?

Here, choose the channel for which you'll create content. The subsequent questions will adjust based on your selection, as each channel has its unique specifications.

What platform?

When selecting Social channel, choose the specific platform you're creating content for. Picking the right social media platform helps us source creators that are native to it and also ensure we're creating the format and size that is relevant to each platform.

You can enable the toggle to have creators post the content to their own social accounts. This is highly recommended as it increases the reach and impact This option only applies for Social platforms.

What type of content are we making?

Is it an image or a video? Currently, we're unable to provide both type of content within the same campaign, so if you want to create a campaign with both images and videos, we suggest starting with an Image campaign and then cloning it to select Video.

Keep in mind that some platforms do not support images, such as TikTok and Youtube. Pricing varies depending on the chosen deliverable.

How do you want to place the content?

Depending on the type of content selected in the previous question, you'll see different placement options such as Reel, Story, Feed, Carousel, etc. These apply only to Social platforms selected in questions 1 and 2.

Content Size

All content sizes are based on aspect ratios supported by the chosen channel and content placement (vertical for Reels, square for Posts, landscape for YouTube videos, etc.).

What type of video should we create?

This option is only applicable if you select Video as the content type. Here, you can define the video's tone and how it showcases the product, whether it's a tutorial, testimonial, narrative, etc.

Pricing Review

On the right side of the screen, you'll see at all times the estimated pricing for this campaign. The price varies based on the content type you choose. You'll get a more detailed pricing overview in the final step of the process.

NOTE: Brand Name must be populated to proceed to step 2 of the order form

For a more comprehensive view, watch this tutorial video where you'll be guided through the step-by-step process:

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