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Request content from Creators (step 3): Determine your Targeting
Request content from Creators (step 3): Determine your Targeting
Updated over a week ago

Moving on to the third section of this process, it's time to define your target creators. Setting these criteria will help us source the right creators for your campaign. Please note that these criteria apply to the creators themselves, not their target audience.

Specify your target criteria for creators' gender, age range, location (city, state, or country), language, interests (you can add custom interests if they're not on the list), and follower count. Feel free to select multiple options to broaden your search. We collaborate with creators from various backgrounds and locations worldwide, so it's essential to set the right specifications for the creators you want to engage with.

We do recommend keeping your criteria somewhat broad, as being too specific can make it challenging to find creators. Remember, you have the final say in selecting the creators you want to partner with for your campaign.


Make sure to check the Creator Supply gauge chart on the right side of the screen to confirm you've added the appropriate amount of targeting rules—neither too few nor too many.

Advanced Targeting

Toggle this option if creators must be 21+ years old to create content. This typically applies to content featuring alcohol.

Pricing Review

On the right side of the screen, you'll see at all times the estimated pricing for this campaign. The price varies based on how specific or broad your search is. You'll get a more detailed pricing overview in the final step of the process.

For a more comprehensive view, watch this tutorial video where you'll be guided through the step-by-step process:

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